How to Make Someone Know You Mean Business

In our virtual training room, we often teach our participants well-nigh the importance of relationship building in virtual infinite. Take y'all noticed, how in virtual meetings, the tendency is to 'go downwards to concern' immediately? How people often say 'we only have ane hour for this meeting and the agenda is packed, so permit's non waste product time on chit-conversation?'.

With this approach, many teams fall into the trap of focusing on the task at the expense of edifice and strengthening relationships, which are necessary to move a squad towards high performance. Fons Trompenaars, author of books on cross cultural communication, use this circle diagram to illustrate the intricate connection between job and relationship in a team.

Why are relationships important for sophisticated teamwork? In her PhD thesis, Ingeborg van de Poel (2016) researched a number of 'virtual' scrum teams, operating beyond national borders and found a number of factors that contribute to a high performing remote team:

Every bit ane scrum main puts it: 'to actually go far work y'all need everyone to be involved to be open and honest. At that place are a few means to reach that: if you are open and willing to help, you can ask something and someone asks you dorsum. When y'all are having a conversation, then it doesn't matter if you are sitting next to each other or at a altitude' (van de Poel, 2016)

Another quote from a scrum master in this research: 'Feeling at ease with each other. Getting to know each other on a personal level, is important to get  a more than complete picture of each other. 'When you know each other personally, it is easier to interpret the other person's message and this is important when you are not sitting in the same location. The other person becomes more predictable. Consequently, the gap to connect with the other and to requite each other feedback or ask for assistance, becomes smaller'

'It may sound dizzy, but when yous know the other squad fellow member, yous're not afraid anymore of how they will judge you and I think that the wall between us was broken down'.

'I tend to exist more distant with people that I don't know'

What these quotes bear witness is that a trusted, solid relationships creates an environment where team members cartel to speak up and discuss difficult problems. This relates to the research on  teams at Google, that showed 'psychological rubber' as the # 1 aspect of high operation.

At Nomadic IBP, nosotros take translated the job/relationship polarity into a set of principles of virtual teamwork and live online learning:

  • Allow for informal advice: invite members to bring together a meeting early for a 'virtual java', informal chat with colleagues as well as an opportunity to check the audio quality
  • Inclusion: every team member's voice must be heard within the first x minutes of a virtual meeting. A practical tool to do this is the 'check in' process. This creates an equal distribution of 'air-time' and avoids authorization of those from 'western' cultures and extroverted personalities
  • At the finish of a meeting , every team members voice should be heard again during a 'check out' ritual
  • Participants stay unmuted during virtual sessions and make an effort to recognize each other's voices.


Nosotros frequently meet with resistance to these principles from participants /squad members who operate from the 'chore start' mind-set up. Their response to our approach is that they get impatient and do not value the time spent on relationship building. At times, we encounter strong emotional reactions where people leave the grouping, stating that 'virtual teamwork can never be equally productive equally F2F'.

Thereby, they miss the point that the route to high team performance is one that starts with building a foundation and that this may have some time at the first. Fortunately, many discover the value of the relationship based approach every bit the virtual squad or learning grouping develops over the course of 3-4 meetings /sessions. Subsequently that time, more often than not, a grouping bonds, develops trust and starts forgetting that they are 1000's of 1000's apart. We call this virtual closeness (Hildebrandt ea, 2013) and this is the requirement for a squad to move frontwards on (circuitous) tasks.

Click for a description of the 4 primary areas of Nomadic IBP's expertise, with programmes available on helping virtual teams, their leaders and virtual facilitators to feel more at ease in a remote environment.

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